Thursday, October 28, 2010

Engineering education and management knowledge transfer

Can links be made between the academic literature on the transfer of management research to practice, and the academic literature on engineering education?

Research has shown that the transfer of management-related knowledge in academia to practice is ineffective (Pfeffer and Sutton 1999). Ven de Ven (2007) identified three groups of issues to explain this problem. Firstly, the lack of use of the outputs of management research may be a result of inappropriate communication methods (e.g. managers and consultants who advise them are unlikely to read academic literature regularly (Rynes et al. 2002; Rousseau 2006)).

Secondly, problems may relate to the differences in the type of knowledge. Scientific knowledge is focused upon building generalisations and theories, whereas practical knowledge in the professional domain is connected to the structure and dynamics of particular situations. Consequently, “Exhortations for academics to put their theories into practice and for managers to put their practices into theory may be misdirected because they assume that the relationship between knowledge of theory and knowledge of practice entails a literal transfer or translation of one into the other” (Van de Ven, 2007:4).

Thirdly, issues relating to the production of the knowledge. In relation to the development of management knowledge, a process of enquiry that is unengaged with the stakeholders beyond the academic environment may face problems in transfer and implementation. Approaches with the common theme of “involvement with members of an organization over a matter which is of genuine concern to them” (Eden and Huxham, 1996:75), i.e. action research, may be a potential solution.

How does this relate to engineering education? Given Trevelyan’s (2010) description of engineering as “distributed expertise enacted through social interactions between people”, there would seem to be clear ways in which the challenges of management knowledge transfer are linked to the discussion of the methods of engineering education. For example:
  • Problems caused by inappropriate communication methods: Trevelyan (2009) identifies the importance of communication in the work of engineers, in order to allow them to operate effectively within the ‘distributed expertise’ model of engineering. It would be interesting to see how the communication-related issues found to hinder the transfer of management knowledge from academia compare to those identified by Trevelyan (2009, 2010).
  • Problems caused by the nature of the knowledge: For engineering education the problem is perhaps not the nature of the knowledge, but the gap between knowledge of the practice of engineering and the content taught in universities (Pascail 2006; Trevelyan 2010).
  • Problems caused by method of knowledge generation: For engineering education, this may point to the important role of in-company education activities (industrial projects, internships, etc.) where the problem and solution are more closely linked than in a class-based academic environment (Seagraves et al. 1996).
Pascail, L. (2006). "The emergence of a skills approach in industry and its consequences." European Journal of Engineering Education 31(1): 55-61.
Pfeffer, J. and R. I. Sutton (1999). "Knowing 'what' to do is not enough: Turning knowledge into action." California Management Review 42(1, Fall): 83-108.
Rousseau, D. M. (2006). "Is there such a thing as 'Evidence Based Management'?" Academy of Management Review 31(2): 256-269.
Rynes, S. L., A. E. Colbert and K. G. Brown (2002). "HR professionals' beliefs about effective human resource practices: Correspondence between research and practice." Human Resource Management 41(2): 149-174.
Seagraves, L., I. Kemp and M. Osborne (1996). "Are academic outcomes of higher education provision relevant and deliverable in the workplace setting." Higher Education 32: 157-176.
Trevelyan, J. P. (2009). Engineering education requires a better model of engineering practice. Research in Engineering Education Symposium 2009, Palm Grove, Queensland, Australia.
Trevelyan, J. P. (2010). "Reconstructing Engineering from Practice." Engineering Studies In Press.
Van de Ven, A. (2007). Engaged scholarship: A guide for organizational and social research, Oxford University Press, ISBN 978-0-19-922629-6. .

Monday, September 20, 2010

Investigating the Effect of 3D Simulation

Investigating the Effect of 3D Simulaton - Based Learning on the Motivation and Performance of Enginnering Students , Caroline Koh, Hock Soon Tan, Kim Cheng Tan, Linda Fang, Fook Meng Fong, Dominic Kan, Sau Lin Lye, and May Lin Wee, Journal of Engineering Education, July 2010 Vol 99 No 3.

Study of 2nd year technology students who were about to do workshop practice. Some of them were given practice on a simulator for machine tools prior to be introduced to the real thing the remainder of the class were a control group. The results are a bit inconclusive probably those who like computers were motivated by it, others weren't. Specifically thee was a gender biased. However there are some interesting takeaways:

Simulation Based Learning (SBL) appears to be a new acronym.

The amount of effort NTU/singapore can put into a simulator is very impressive.

The use of a behavioural psychologist to reference use Self Determination Theory (SDT) was excellent use of multi-disciplinary research

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The impact of abstract vs contextualisation representation ad practice on learning

Pre-college Electrical Engineering Instruction: The Impact of Abstract vs. Contextualized Representation and Practice on Learning, Martin Reisslein, Roxanna Moreno and Gamze Ozogul, Journal of Engineering Education July 2010 Vol 99 No 3

This paper sets Year 9 students an the problem of calculating electrical resistences in parallell. A third get a standard circuit diagram (the abstract version), some got a picture with a battery and two light bulbs (the contextualised version) and some got both. In the same exercise some got two problems to solve and some got four problems. Using analysis of variance they then calculate whether the real life version helps learning and whether doing more problems improves learning.

The students with the contextual problem did better than those with the abstract picture, the authors point out another study that found the opposite (Moreno, Reisslein and Ozogul, 2009b). Thos doing 4 problems didn't seem to be better than those doing 2 problems. Presumably its an either you understand it or you dont type of problem.

The experiment design and analysis is probably of more interest than the results since it has components of an instruction piece, several problems and then measurement of the learning,

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Predicting STEM Outcomes

Predicting STEM Degree Outcomes Based on Eighth Grade Data and Standard Test Scores, Gilliam M Nicholls, Harvey Wolfe, Mary Besterfield-Sacre, Larry J. Shuman. Journal of Engineering Education ,july 2010 Vol 99 No. 3

This paper looks at the progress of a group of students from eight grade to graduation with STEM degrees over a 12 year period. It starts with 11,320 students of which 740 become STEM graduates. The authors test for 68 variables which cover different measures of performance and motivation, some require an understanding of the US education system. most of the paper is dedicated to outlining and defending the statistical analysis.

The results show significant predictors to be:

Overall maths proficiency
Science quartile
Students ability group for mathematics
Maths grades from grade 6 through to grade 8
Scholastic aptitute tests (mathematics)

How far in school parents expect child to go
Father's highest level of education - college or not
How far in school student thinks he/she will get
Race of student - Asian
Race of student African-American

This seems to simply boil down to ability and motivation. The literature review identifies another, possible more interesting study that looks at students expectations of what engineering at University is and how the realism of the expectations effects there motivation to stick with the course. Besterfield-Sacre, Mary, Cynthia J. Atman and Larry J. Schuman. 1997 Characteristics of Freshman engineering students: Models for determining student attrition in engineering, Journal of Engineering Education 86 (2): 139-49

Friday, September 17, 2010

Diffusion of Engineering Education Innovations

Diffusion of Engineering Education Innovations: A Survey of Awareness and Adoption Rates in US Engineering Departments. Maura Borrego, Jeffrey E. Froyd and T. Simin Hall. Journal of Engineering Education July 2010 Vol 99 No. 3

This paper is looking at 7 different 'new' ideas in engineering education and surveys Department Chairs in the US to see if they have heard of them and whether they had tried them. Several random snippets have caught my attention:

What are the new ideas -

  1. Student Active Pedagogies - which means having the students do anything in class other than listen to lectures
  2. Engineering Learning Communities and Integrated Curricula - Can't really understand what these are but could be Facebook/VLE jobs
  3. Artifact Dissection - take the lawnmower apart
  4. Summer Bridge Programme - these are pre-university courses
  5. Design projects in First Year courses
  6. Curriculum based Engineering Service -Learning Projects - I've had a brush with service based learning in Trinidad and it means integrating learning with voluntary community activity.
  7. Interdisciplinary Capstone projects

For me at least three of these (1,3 & 7) are quite old ideas

The paper is very solid methodologically and a good example of whats needed for publication. The survey was done using a web survey and got 197 (12 percent) usuable response which is considered to be a reasonable response rate for this type of method.

The overall results are not very interesting there was an average awareness of 82% and an adoption rate of 47% but although the statistics looks robust you have to query how appropriate it is to aggegate these types of response. for example student active pedagogies had a high adoption but could cover a much wider range of possibilities than artifact dissection which works in mech eng as a simple lab but is a lot less useful in other disciplines.

Table 12 is very interesting it has a ranking of the more innovative engineering departments chosen by the respondents:
Rose-Hulman IoT
Carnegie Mellon
Georgia IoT
Franklin W Olin College
Harvey Mudd College
North Carolina State
U of Washington
Michigan State
Rowan U
Virginia Tech
Penn State U
UoC Berkeley
Bucknell U
Wocester Polytechnic Institute
Military Academies

Good target list of collaborators.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

ERINI / ERIC - Membership

Hi guys - this is my first attempt at blogging! I'm assuming our Centre will be a colaborative centre so we can have collaborations with other departments / centres here at Cambridge as well as other institutions UK and global. It might make a difference to getting funding - particularly seed funding from CIKC.

